1. Classification of elements of big mapping class groups
In the finite-type setting, the Nielsen–Thurston classification says that every mapping class is either periodic or reducible (or both), or else it is pseudo-Anosov. Can we give a classification of big mapping classes?-
Problem 1.1.
Give a Nielsen-Thurston classification type theorem for big mapping classes.
Suppose a big mapping class is reducible if it preserves a (possibly infinite) discrete collection of pairwise disjoint simple closed curves and simple proper arcs (where discrete means that the collection "does not accumulate anywhere inside the surface"), and irreducible otherwise. -
Problem 1.2.
Does every big mapping class either preserve a hyperbolic metric or preserve a lamination? -
This was proposed as an "easier version" of the previous problem.
Problem 1.3.
Given an (irreducible) big mapping class $f$ and a simple closed curve $\alpha$, do $f^n(\alpha)$ and $f^{-n}(\alpha)$ converge to a lamination? -
Problem 1.4.
Describe all big mapping classes that preserve a train track on the surface. -
Problem 1.5.
Is there a dynamical description of an irreducible mapping class? For instance, given two simple closed curves $\alpha$ and $\beta$, what can be said about the asymptotics of $i(f^n(\alpha,\beta))$? -
Problem 1.6.
Given a pseudo-Anosov acting on a translation surface, what can be said about the measured laminations in the stable and in the unstable direction? In general, "How much of Thurston’s notes goes through?" -
Problem 1.7.
Can we characterize big mapping classes whose mapping tori admit a complete hyperbolic metric?
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