8. Subfactors
The supertransitivity with respect to an object $X$ with $\dim(X)>2$ is the largest $N$ such that $\text{Hom}(1,X^{\otimes n})$ is Temperley-Lieb.
Supertransitivity is the analog of transitivity of group actions.Problem 8.1.
[Jones] Is there an upper bound on the supertransitivity of a subfactor planar algebra?-
Remark. [org.aimpl.user:scott@tqft.net] Currently the extended Haagerup subfactor holds the record, with $n=7$. The Asaeda-Haagerup subfactor has $n=5$, and otherwise all known examples have $n\leq 4$.
Problem 8.2.
[Snyder] Find a non-number theoretic argument to rule out the rest of the Haagerup family vine.
For example, is there a diagram that evaluates in two different ways? -
Problem 8.3.
[Morrison, Peters] Is there a polymer theory of principal graphs? What graphs can appear as subgraphs of principal graphs?
Penneys: Note that there are examples of forbidden subgraphs, e.g., part of the bad seed.
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