4. Extensions to Profinite, Compact Lie Groups, etc.
If $G$ is the Galois group of a finite extension $L \rightarrow K$ there is a functor $Sp_G \rightarrow Sp^{Mot}_K$ given by $\Sigma^{\infty} G/H_+ \rightarrow \Sigma^{\infty} Spec(L^H)_+$. Moreover, if $K$ is a real closed field, this functor is fully faithful.
Problem 4.1.
[K. Ormsby] If $G$ is a profinite absolute Galois group of $K$, is there a theory of $G-spectra$ such that $Sp_{G} \rightarrow Sp^{Mot}_K$ is “rich”? -
Problem 4.2.
[M. Behrens] For a profinite group $G$ (having subgroups of arbitrary index), are there Wirthmüller/Adams isomomorphisms in $Sp^G$? -
In genuine $G$-spectra we have multiplicative norm and transfer maps when $G$ has finitely indexed subgroups. Furthermore, (via Ando-Morava) there are objects that look like what may arise from a multiplicative norm for compact Lie groups.
Problem 4.3.
[C. Rezk] Are there analogues of multiplicative norms or multiplicative transfers for compact Lie groups? -
Quillen’s theorem for $MU$ states that the map from the Lazard ring $L$ to $\pi_* MU$ is an isomorphism and so, in particular, the homotopy of $MU$ is concentrated in even degrees. Furthermore, when $G$ is a finite abelian group, it is known that the $G$-equivariant homotopy of $MU$ is also even.
Problem 4.4.
[J. Greenlees] For any finite or compact Lie group $G$, is it also the case that $\pi^G_*(MU)$ is even? -
Long Term
Problem 4.5.
[A. Blumberg] How should we think about equivariant stable homotopy theory in the context of infinite compact Lie groups? -
Problem 4.6.
[L. Hesselholt] What can we say about equivariant stable homotopy theory for infinite discrete groups?
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