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1. Motivic Homotopy Theory

    1.     In [MR3406512], Blumberg and Hill define $N_{\infty}$-operads, equivariant generalizations of $E_{\infty}$-operads.

      Problem 1.1.

      [J. Heller] What is the motivic analogue of an $N_{\infty}$-operad or in other words, what are the analogues of $G$-commutative ring spectra in motivic homotopy theory?
        • Problem 1.2.

          [V. Stojanoska] Can we construct an Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence in motivic homotopy theory?
            • Problem 1.3.

              [K. Wickelgren] Can we construct a Serre spectral sequence in motivic homotopy theory?
                • Long Term

                  Problem 1.4.

                  [A. Blumberg] Do we have a motivic description akin to adding transfers?
                    •     In classical homotopy theory, there are, among many others, three important notions/results:

                      (1) The Freudenthal suspension theorem

                      (2) The Barratt-Priddy-Quillen theorem

                      (3) Infinite loop space theory

                      Problem 1.5.

                      [K. Ormsby] Can we construct/prove the above notions in the context of motivic homotopy theory?
                        • Problem 1.6.

                          [K. Ormsby] What more can we say about the tensor triangular geometry of the motivic stable homotopy category? (See [arxiv:1608.02876] for a list of questions.)
                            • Problem 1.7.

                              [K. Ormsby] What can we say about the motivic Picard group?

                                  Cite this as: AimPL: Equivariant derived algebraic geometry, available at http://aimpl.org/equideralggeom.