Ehrhart polynomials: inequalities and extremal constructions
Edited by Derek William Hanely
This workshop was motivated by open questions in Ehrhart theory, a fundamental area of discrete geometry concerned with counting lattice points in polytopes and their dilates.
Let P be a d-dimensional lattice polytope. For a nonnegative integer t and polytope P, the tth dilate of P, denoted tP, is given by tP:=\{tp : p \in P\}. To P, we associate its Ehrhart function (or lattice point enumerator), denoted i(P;t), which enumerates the lattice points contained in nonnegative integral dilates of P, i.e., i(P;t) := |tP \cap \Z^d|. Ehrhart showed that this function is a polynomial in t of degree d. Moreover, due to Stanley, it is known that the generating function encoding this polynomial, the Ehrhart series of P, is a rational function \mathrm{Ehr}_{P}(z) := \sum_{t\geq 0} i(P;t)z^t = \frac{\sum_{j=0}^{d} h_{j}^* z^j}{(1-z)^{d+1}},
In this workshop, we investigated a number of questions concerning Ehrhart positivity and h^* real-rootedness/unimodality for a wide range of classes of polytopes.
Let P be a d-dimensional lattice polytope. For a nonnegative integer t and polytope P, the tth dilate of P, denoted tP, is given by tP:=\{tp : p \in P\}. To P, we associate its Ehrhart function (or lattice point enumerator), denoted i(P;t), which enumerates the lattice points contained in nonnegative integral dilates of P, i.e., i(P;t) := |tP \cap \Z^d|. Ehrhart showed that this function is a polynomial in t of degree d. Moreover, due to Stanley, it is known that the generating function encoding this polynomial, the Ehrhart series of P, is a rational function \mathrm{Ehr}_{P}(z) := \sum_{t\geq 0} i(P;t)z^t = \frac{\sum_{j=0}^{d} h_{j}^* z^j}{(1-z)^{d+1}},
where h_0^* = 1 and h_j^{*}\geq 0 for all j. We call the numerator of the Ehrhart series, denoted h^*(P;z), the h^*-polynomial of P, and the vector of its coefficients, h^*(P) = (h_0^*,h_1^*,\ldots, h_d^*), the h^*-vector.
In this workshop, we investigated a number of questions concerning Ehrhart positivity and h^* real-rootedness/unimodality for a wide range of classes of polytopes.
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