3. Quasi-reflective and Quasi-arithmetic groups
Quasi-reflective Groups
A maximal arithmetic lattice \Gamma = R \rtimes \operatorname{Aut}(P) is quasi-reflective if \operatorname{Aut}(P) is infinite and virtual abelian.Problem 3.1.
There are only finitely-many quasi-reflective arithmetic lattices in each dimension, and we have a complete list in dimension n=3. Can we classify all of them for n > 3? -
Problem 3.2.
Do these quasi-reflective groups contain any salient features that might suggest an effective algorithm for detecting infinite-order symmetries in general (and hence an effective halting condition for Vinberg’s algorithm)? -
Quasi-arithmetic Groups
Problem 3.3.
To what extent are quasi-arithmetic groups like arithmetic reflection groups? Are there only finitely many maximal quasi-arithmetic reflective lattices?
Cite this as: AimPL: Arithmetic reflection groups and crystallographic packings, available at http://aimpl.org/reflectiongpv.