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1. Vinberg’s Algorithm

In this section, \Gamma < \operatorname{O}(n,1) is taken to be an arithmetic lattice. We’ll write \Gamma = R \rtimes \operatorname{Aut}(P) where R is generated by reflections and \operatorname{Aut}(P) is the group of symmetries of the Coxeter polytope P corresponding to R.
    1. Decidability

          Vinberg’s algorithm terminates if \Gamma is reflective (i.e. if |\operatorname{Aut}(P)| < \infty), and does not terminate if \Gamma is not reflective. As such, determining whether such a given arithmetic lattice is reflective is at least semi-decidable.

      Problem 1.1.

      [Michael Kapovich] Is reflectivity of a maximal arithmetic lattice a decidable problem? If so, can we find an efficient algorithm to solve this decision problem?
        1. Remark. [Michael Kapovich] Yes, the problem is decidable. One way to proceed is to search for infinite order automorphisms of the fundamental domain P of the maximal reflection subgroup R in the lattice \Gamma. The way it works is that on the step k of the inductive construction of P we have a polyhedron P_k (the polyhedra are nested: P_1\supset P_2\supset ... \supset P_k \supset ... \supset P) we search for a pair of vertices u, v of P_k (possibly ideal or even hyperfinite) and an isometry \gamma\in\Gamma sending the link of u in P_k to the link of v in P_k. If there exists such non-elliptic \gamma, then R has infinite index in \Gamma and vice-versa.
            • Problem 1.2.

              Suppose \Gamma is reflective. Given a bound for the volume of the fundamental domain, D_\Gamma, can we also find a bound on the number of walls in D_\Gamma?
                • Problem 1.3.

                  If \Gamma is non-reflective, then \operatorname{Aut}(P) contains an infinite-order element. How many walls of the fundamental domain to we need to find via Vinberg’s algorithm in order to detect this infinite-order symmetry?
                    • Problem 1.4.

                      Suppose \Gamma is non-reflective. After running Vinberg’s algorithm to find part of the Coxeter polytope P, we can look for symmetries in the Coxeter diagram and deduce from these some \operatorname{O}(q) symmetries of the polytope. Can we use these symmetries to find new roots and possibly the infinite-order symmetry?

                          Cite this as: AimPL: Arithmetic reflection groups and crystallographic packings, available at http://aimpl.org/reflectiongpv.