3. Geometry of F-singularities
Questions dealing with the properties of F-singularities-
Grauert-Riemenschneider for F-regular varieties
Problem 3.1.
[Tucker] Is there Grauert-Riemenschneider vanishing for $F$-regular varieties which admit a resolution? -
Global $F$-regularity and rational chain connectedness
Problem 3.2.
[Tucker] Does globally $F$-regular imply rationally chain connected? -
Global $F$-regularity and Fano type
Problem 3.3.
[Schwede] If $X$ is of globally $F$-regular type, does it follow that it is log Fano (in the sense that there exists a boundary divisor $\Delta$ with $(X,\Delta)$ klt and $-(K_X+\Delta)$ ample)? Even weaker, does it follow that $-K_X$ is big? -
Construction of $F$-pure centers
Problem 3.4.
[Schwede] Suppose that $(X,\Delta)$ is a strongly $F$-regular pair. Can we find a boundary $D \geq 0$ such that $(X,\Delta+D)$ is $F$-pure, with $p \nmid \text{index}(K_X+\Delta+D)$?
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