4. Regularity
Almost everywhere partial differentiability of mappings of integrable lower metric distortion
The lower metric dilatation of a homeomorphism $f:X\to Y$ of metric spaces is defined as $$ h_f(x) = \liminf_{r\to 0} \frac{\sup \{ d(f(x),f(y)) : d(x,y) \le r \}}{\inf \{ d(f(x),f(z)) : d(x,z) \ge r \}}. $$Problem 4.1.
[Pekka Koskela] Let $f$ be a homeomorphism of planar domains with $h_f \in L^1_{\scriptstyle{loc}}$ and $h_f$ finite off a set of $\sigma$-finite length. Does $f$ have partial derivatives almost everywhere? -
Mapping properties of planar maps of exponentially integrable distortion
Problem 4.2.
[Pekka Koskela] Does there exist a homeomorphism $f$ of the plane with exponentially integrable distortion such that $f$ fixes the real axis and sends a set of positive length onto the $\tfrac13$ Cantor set? -
Approximation of Sobolev homeomorphisms by diffeomorphisms
Problem 4.3.
[Leonid Kovalev] Let $f$ be a homeomorphism of the plane such that $f$ and $f^{-1}$ lie in some Sobolev class, e.g., $W^{1,2}$. Can one approximate $f$ by diffeomorphisms $f_j$ so that $f_j$ and $f_j^{-1}$ converge in the Sobolev norm?-
Remark. The one-sided approximation, namely $f_j \to f$ without the convergence of inverses, is possible in this case (Iwaniec–Kovalev–Onninen).
Remark. Even the one-sided case remains open in the non-reflexive space $W^{1,1}$, or for any Sobolev space in dimension three.
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