2. Distribution of invariants
Problem 2.1.
(C. Li) Give an algebraic proof of stronger version of K.Fujita’s result that for smooth Fano $X$, if $\alpha(X)=\frac{n}{n+1}$, then $X$ is uniform K-stable. -
Problem 2.2.
(I. Cheltsov, Y. Liu, Z. Zhuang) Find as large $\alpha$ invariant as possible for K-unstable smooth Fanos. -
Problem 2.3.
(C. Jiang) For K-semistable klt Fano varieties, in a fixed dimension, does the set of all $\alpha$-invariants sastisfy the DCC? Is there a gap above $\frac{1}{n+1}$? If so, how large? -
Problem 2.4.
(L. Qi) Does the set of $\alpha$-invariants of K-semistable Fanos satisfy the ACC? What about $\delta$-invariant? -
Problem 2.5.
(C. Jiang) For smooth Fano varieties, is it true that $\alpha \leq 1$? Conjecture of Kawamata that $|-K_X| \neq \varnothing$ implies this one. -
Problem 2.6.
(C. Li) How large is the gap of global volumes of K-semistable Fano varieties from $(n+1)^n$?
(C. Xu) Is the second largest volume achieved by quadratic?
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