9. Miscellaneous Problems
Conjecture 9.2.
[J. Andersson, D. Farmer] Let be K\subset\mathbb{C} be compact, \mathbb{C}\setminus K connected, and f be a continuous function on K which is holomorphic and non-zero on the interior of K. Suppose K\subseteq\{z:\frac{1}{2}<{\rm Re} z < 1\}, then \overline{d}\left( \left\{t\in\mathbb{R}: ||\zeta(\cdot + it) - f(\cdot)||_{\infty, K} < \epsilon\right\}\right) > 0,where
\overline{d}(E):=\limsup_{T\to\infty} \frac{m(E\cap[0,T\,])}{T}. -
Problem 9.3.
[R. Pemantle] Let \mu be a probability measure on \{0,1\}^n. Consider f(\vec{z}\,) = \int {\vec{z}}^{\;\vec{\alpha}} d\mu(\vec{\alpha}\,)and g(\vec{\lambda}\,) = \int e^{\;\vec{\lambda}\cdot\vec{\alpha}} d\mu(\vec{\alpha}\,).What property of g is equivalent to the stability of f? -
Problem 9.4.
[G. Knese] Let p(z)\in\mathbb{C}[z], \deg(p)=n. Suppose p(z)\neq 0 for all |z|\le1. Define p^*(z):=z^n\overline{p\left(\frac{1}{\bar{z}}\right)}. Then it is known that
p(A)p(A)^\dagger \ge p^*(A)(p^*(A))^\dagger \;\; \textit{for any contractive matrix } A.
(A is contractive means \sup\limits_x \frac{||Ax||_2}{||x||_2}<1.) In 2D, we replace A with a pair of commuting contractions and p with a bivariate polynomial with no zeros in \{z:|z|\le 1\}\times\{w:|w|\le 1\}. The 3D generalization fails – when does it hold? -
Problem 9.5.
[P. Brändén] Find more examples and attempt to characterize Markov processes preserving stability. Explicitly, let \psi:\mathbb{R}_{MA}[x,y,z]\to\mathbb{R}_{MA}[x,y,z] be a linear operator. When is e^{t\psi}:\mathbb{R}[x,y,z]\to\mathbb{R}[x,y,z] stability preserving for all t\ge0 ?
Cite this as: AimPL: Stability and hyperbolicity, available at http://aimpl.org/hyperbolicpoly.