4. Symplectic and log symplectic pairs
Problem 4.1.
Let \mathcal{X}\longrightarrow\Delta be a dlt degeneration of Hyperkähler varieties with K_{\mathcal{X}/\Delta}\simeq\mathcal{O_X}. Is
\Gamma(\mathcal{X}_0) = \begin{cases} \text{point} & \text{if in type I} \\ \sigma_d & \text{if in type II}\\ \mathbb{CP}^d& \text{if in type III ?} \end{cases}
Given \Delta^*\overset{\phi}{\longrightarrow}\Gamma\backslash\mathbb{D}, what equivalence relation on \phi ensures that \Gamma(\mathcal{X}_0) is well-defined on equivalence class? Eg. Picard–Lefschetz. -
Problem 4.2.
Can \text{K3}^{[5]} and \text{OG}_{10} be distinguished via combinatorics of \Gamma(\mathcal{X}_0) for degeneration \mathcal{X}\longrightarrow\Delta?
"Combinatorics": integral affine structure? Lagrangian Chern class? -
Problem 4.3.
Do 1-parameter Hyperkähler degenerations admit K-trivial, SNC models, after a finite base change?
Note: minimal dlt exist, due to Fujino, Lai. This is true in Type I (KLSV). -
Problem 4.4.
If (X,D) is log sympletic dlt (or plt) pair and X\backslash X^{\text{SNC}} has codimension \ge3 in X, are the singularities rigid (in the sense of definitions of log sympletic dlt pairs)? -
Problem 4.7.
Examples of dual complexes which are not \text{Hilb}^n or \text{Kum}^n of a K3 degeneration?
degeneration of cubic 4-fold X\rightsquigarrow V(x_0x_1x_2).
V(x_0x_1x_2+\epsilon f_3)\longrightarrow\Delta_{\epsilon}\rightsquigarrow degeneration of FX?
V(x_0,x_1,x_2,f_3) smooth? nodal?
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