4. Non-positive curvature
Problem 4.15.
Prove that hyperbolic triangle Artin groups do not act properly on a $\mathrm{CAT}(0)$ cube complex. -
Problem 4.2.
Does the $\tilde{A}_2$ Artin group act properly and cocompactly on a Helly graph? -
Problem 4.25.
Further classify the systolic Artin groups. -
Problem 4.35.
For $a,b \in A$, say $a \leq b$ if there is a positive word $c$ with $a = bc$. Is $(A,\leq)$ a join-semilattice? -
Acylindrical hyperbolicity
Conjecture 4.4.
All non-spherical irreducible Artin groups are acylindrically hyperbolic. -
Problem 4.45.
Describe the hyperbolic space on which the acylindrically hyperbolic Artin groups act. -
Problem 4.5.
Is there a “largest” acylindrically hyperbolic space on which these Artin groups act that sees all loxodromic elements?
Cite this as: AimPL: Geometry and topology of Artin groups, available at http://aimpl.org/geomartingp.