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7. Equity Questions

    1. Cases of Harassment in the Community

      Problem 7.1.

      [Selvi Kara, Pamela Harris, Federico Ardila] How can we support people who have been harassed? How do we as a community handle working with people who have been accused (including by way of warnings over the "whisper network")? Is there room for restorative justice?
        • Taking Intent to Action

          Problem 7.2.

          [Laura Colmenarejo] How can we go from ideas/intention to action with our DEI work? In particular, can we create a list of ways to take action and/or find literature on best practices for taking intent to action and then translate for mathematicians’ use?
            • The History of Women in Combinatorics

              Problem 7.3.

              [Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez] What is the history of women in combinatorics? Answering this question might involve researchers from many different areas, including historians, sociologists, mathematicians, and data scientists. As other possible guiding questions: What departments are producing the most women PhDs in math? What are they doing right? What is going wrong at other departments? How can we ensure our gender data is accurate for this study? Will this study be US-centered, and if so, how can we perform similar studies outside the US?
                • Starting DEI Conversations

                  Problem 7.4.

                  [Sophie Rehberg] How can we start DEI conversations in departments outside the US?
                    • Improving Conference Organization/Resources for Organizers

                      Problem 7.5.

                      [Emily Clader, Carolina Benedetti Velasquez, Kris Shaw, Mont Cordero] What might it look like to make our events (conferences, workshops, etc.) accessible to all participants? How can we make it accessible to parent participants, trans participants, participants from the Global South, non-US participants, ? Can we make a "best practices" document for anyone interested in organizing an equitable event in math?
                        • Less Actionable But Nonetheless Important Issues

                          Problem 7.6.

                          [Katie Waddle, Pamela Harris, Andrés Vindas Meléndez, Kris Shaw] How do we deal with the structural problem of expecting mathematicians to move every 2 years for post-docs? How can we work to change the gender pay gap? How can we financially support mathematicians who would like to have kids, especially those who have kids in ways that are financially draining? How can we provide better access to healthcare for trans mathematicians?
                            • Gender Diversity Beyond the Gender Binary

                              Problem 7.7.

                              [Mont Cordero] How can we address and work towards gender diversity outside of the gender binary? Can "Women in Math" organizations clarify what they mean by "women?" And can we push for greater inclusivity in these organizations?
                                • How Does the Gender Binary Influence the Math we Create?

                                  Problem 7.8.

                                  [Sophie Rehberg] How does the gender binary (and more generally how we perceive the world) influence the math we create? (not just how we teach and share it)

                                      Cite this as: AimPL: Gems of combinatorics, available at http://aimpl.org/gemscombin.