3. Rigidity
Definition (Measurement Set). Given a finite graph $G = (V, E)$ with $|V| = n$, $|E| = m$, and $d \geq 2$, let $m_G: \mathbb{C}^{dn} \rightarrow \mathbb{C}^m$ map point configurations of $G$ to edge lengths defined by $m_G(i, j) = (p_i - p_j) \cdot (p_i - p_j)$ where $(\cdot)$ is the usual (non-complex) dot product. Then the measurement set of $G$ is the set $M_G$ defined by the Zariski closure of the images of $m_G$.
Problem 3.1.
[Louis Theran] Suppose $G$ is redundantly rigid in $\mathbb{R}^d$. If $H$ is another graph with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges with $M_G = M_H$ then is $G \simeq H$?- The statement holds if $G$ is globally rigid.
- For $d=2$, 3-connectedness and redundant rigidity imply global rigidity. Hence, for $d=2$ the statement is true if $G$ is 3-connected.
- In fact, just 3-connectedness of $G$ is sufficient for the following: For any $d$, if $G$ and $H$ have the same Euclidean measurement sets $M^{\mathbb{E}}_G = M^{\mathbb{E}}_H$ (these are the measurement sets over $\mathbb{E}^{dn}$) then $G \simeq H$ such that the isomorphism is compatible with the edge lengths.
Ref: Fogelsanger: ‘ The generic rigidity of minimal cycles’, PhD Thesis, University of Cornell, Ithaca, NY, 1988.
Problem 3.2.
[Shin-ichi Tanigawa] If $G$ is a 4-connected triangulation of a non-spherical closed 2-surface then is $G$ generically globally rigid in dimension 3?
What is needed is a new graph operation which (1) preserves global rigidity and (2) increases the genus of the triangulation. -
This question is an extension of Shin-ichi Tanigawa’s question in 3.2.
Background. (An idea of Bill Jackson.) Let $(G,p)$ be globally rigid in $\mathbb{R}^3$ and suppose $G'$ arises from G by a non-trivial vertex split which splits $v$ into $u$ and $v$. Define $(G',p')$ by setting $p'(x)=p(x)$ for all $x\in V(G)$ and $p'(u)=p(v)$. Then it is clear that $(G',p')$ is globally rigid in $\mathbb{R}^3$. Hence to show that $G'$ is globally rigid for some/all generic realizations it suffices to show that $(G',p')$ is infinitesimally rigid in $\mathbb{R}^3$. (Then we can perturb $(G',p')$ within a sufficiently small open neighborhood to find a nearby generic realization which is globally rigid.)
Hence the extension proposed below of Fogelsanger’s proof is one possible way to resolve Problem 3.2.Problem 3.3.
[Tony Nixon] Extend Fogelsanger’s proof that every triangulation of a closed, non-spherical, surface is infinitesimally rigid in 3-dimensions to apply in the case when two vertices $u,v$, such that $uv\in E$, are coincident. -
Problem 3.4.
[Jozsef Solymosi] Let $f(n)$ be a function such that for any unit length graph $G$ with $n$ vertices, if $G$ has at least $f(n)$ edges then $G$ contains a non-trivial rigid subgraph (trivial means an edge). What is $f(n)$?- Only know $n \log (n) \leq f(n) \leq c n^{4/3}$.
- For non-unit distance frameworks with prescribed distances, $f(n) \le n^{3/2}$.
Problem 3.5.
[Brigitte Servatius] Is it possible to strengthen a theorem of Walter Whiteley (in A matroid on hypergraphs with applications in scene analysis and geometry, 1989) on body-pin frameworks in $d=2$, to say that $G=(B, J, I)$ has an independent realization in $\mathbb{R}^2$ where each body has all its joints at unit distance from each other if and only if $G$ satisfies $2i \le 3b +2j -3$ (should be true for every subgraph), where $i$ is the number of incidences, $j$ is the number of joints, and $b$ is the number of bodies? -
Problem 3.6.
[Orit Raz] In L. Lovasz’s paper ["Flats in Matroids and geometric graphs”], he considers the dimension of $span(F\cap h)$, where $F$ is a family of linear subspaces of $R^d$, $h$ is a subspace of codimension 1 in $\mathbb{R}^d$, and $F\cap h:=\{f\cap h \mid f\in F\}$. He proves that this dimension can be expressed as a certain minimum over all the partitions of the elements of $F$, given that $h$ satisfies a certain "general position” assumption. The questions are:
(i) Can the general position assumption in Lovasz’s theorem be relaxed?
(ii) Can one find a formula (in whatever terms) that applies to subspaces $h$ that are not necessarily in general position? -
Problem 3.7.
[Tony Nixon] Determine which $k$-regular graphs are independent in the generic 3-dimensional rigidity matroid.
Cite this as: AimPL: Rigidity and flexibility of microstructures, available at http://aimpl.org/flexmicro.