4. Norms and the slice filtration
The associated graded of the localized slice spectral sequence tower
The localized slice spectral sequence gives a way to break up the slice spectral sequence into pieces that see phenomena only on certain geometric fixed points. For the group $C_{2^n}$, there is a localized slice spectral sequence for each subgroup.Problem 4.1.
[Mark Behrens] For the group $C_{2^n}$ one understand more easily the fibres between the localized slice spectral sequence for two adjacent subgroups $H$ and $H'$? -
The image of $J$ in equivariant truncated Brown–Peterson spectra
Problem 4.2.
[Hood Chatham] What is the image of the $J$ homomorphism in the fixed points of $\mathrm{BP}^{((G))}\langle m\rangle$? -
The Hurewicz image of equivariant truncated Brown–Peterson spectra
Problem 4.3.
[Mark Behrens] What is the Hurewicz image of the truncated Brown–Peterson spectrum $\mathrm{BP}^{((G))}\langle m \rangle$? -
Understanding $n$-slices
[arXiv:1711.03472] gives a description of $n$-slices, the objects that appear in the associated graded of the slice filtration.Problem 4.4.
[Bert Guillou] Is there a way to get a good computational grasp of $n$-slices? For example understanding their Postnikov towers, homotopy groups etc. -
Heights of slice differentials
The differentials in the slice spectral sequence for $\mathrm{BP}^{((G))}\langle n \rangle$ look like they are stratified by height.Problem 4.5.
[XiaoLin Danny Shi] Is it possible to make sense of the height of a differential in the slice spectral sequence of $\mathrm{BP}^{((G))}\langle n \rangle$ so that it has a well defined height? -
The $G\cdot \overline{v}_n$-Bockstein spectral sequence for $\mathrm{BP}^{((G))}\langle n\rangle$
$\mathrm{BP}^{((G))}\langle n-1\rangle$ is the quotient of $\mathrm{BP}^{((G))}\langle n\rangle$ by $G\cdot \overline{v}_n$.Problem 4.6.
[Mark Behrens] Can one understand the $G\cdot \overline{v}_n$-Bockstein spectral sequence for this quotient map? -
Connecting slice differentials via power operations
We would like a systematic way of understanding slice differentials in the slice spectral sequence for $\mathrm{BP}\langle n \rangle^{((G))}$.Problem 4.7.
[XiaoLin Danny Shi] Are there power operations connecting differentials in the slice spectral sequence for $\mathrm{BP}\langle n \rangle^{((G))}$ -
Relations in $\mathrm{BP}^{((G))}$
Problem 4.8.
[Mike Hill] Is $8\sigma = 0$ in the fixed points of $\mathrm{BP}^{((G))}$?
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