4. Integrable hierarchies from partial CohFTs
Asked by Paolo Rossi:Using the DR-method, one can assign to any partial CohFT an integrable hierarchy.
- the DR cycle itself defines a partial CohFT, and hence an integrable hierarchy, a non-commutative 2d KdV (on a non-commutative torus), of infinite rank
- orbifold GW theory and taking constant part gives extended Toda hierarchy
The following problems are open:
- Identify the hierarchy defined by the Gromov–Witten theory of $\mathbb{P}^1$ relative to $0,\infty$. Conjecturally, this is the 2d Toda hierarchy.
- Identify the hierarchy defined by the constant $r$-part ($r$-spin Witten’s class). Conjecturally, this is the KP hierarchy (relation to class of strata of holomorphic differentials)
- What about the partial CohFT given by cycles of hyperelliptic curves with marked Weierstrass points?
More general perspective: can anything be said about integrable systems produced by DR-machinery?
Cite this as: AimPL: Double ramification cycles and integrable systems, available at http://aimpl.org/doubleramific.