1. Specific questions for graphs of small degree
Let $G$ be the Schreier graph on $X = F(2^{\F_2})$ (The free part of the 2-shift) induced by the standard generating set. Let $\mu$ be the coin flip measure on $X$. Let $a$ and $b$ be the generators.-
Problem 1.4.
What is the $\mu$-measurable edge chromatic number of $G$? -
- $H = \{\ldots , a^{-1} , 1, a , a^2, \ldots\} = \langle a \rangle \subset \F_2 $
- $ V = \{\ldots , b^{-1}, 1, b , b^2, \ldots\} = \langle b \rangle \subset \F_2$
- $ D = \{\ldots, a^{-1}b^{-1}, b^{-1}, 1, a, ba, aba, \ldots \} \subset \F_2 $
Problem 1.5.
Is there a Borel partition of the edges of G, say into A, B, and C, such that- For all $x \in X$, $H \cdot x$ contains an edge from $A$ (meaning it contains both endpoints of the edge).
- “ “ $V$ “ “ $B$
- “ “ $D$ “ “ $C$
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