1. General questions
Here we collect general questions about aspects of computer-assisted proofs-
Are Computer-assisted proofs real proofs?
Problem 1.1.
[K. Buzzard] Are computer-assisted proofs always real proofs when proprietary software and/or hardware is involved that is not accessible to all readers/reviewers? -
What is the right metric to determine computability?
Problem 1.2.
[Y. T. Hou] In problems where mathematical analysis precedes a computer assisted step: How can we ensure that the formulation of problem is correctly posed so that computability and non-computability of a problem can be determined? -
How should limitations in technology for conjectures/discoveries be adressed?
Problem 1.3.
[P. Deift] Can we uncover quantitative properties such as periodicity from numerical methods for PDEs? - In particular for integrable systems. Does (or should) a correct notion of computability depend on the hardware available at the current state of time? - How should we present work with highly experimental evidence? -
Computer-assisted proof of Mochizuk’s work on the ABC conjecture!
Problem 1.4.
[J. Lagarias] Can one set up a machine-verifiable proof of the work by Mochizuki trying to proof the ABC conjecture? -
Make computer-assisted proofs and software more accessible to math community!
Problem 1.5.
[J. Dahne] What do mathematicians find difficult about working with computer-assistance in Mathematics? How can software be improved from the view of users to ? -
Problem 1.6.
[J. Dahne] Make computer-assisted proofs and software more accessible to math community! -
Define Space complexity!
Problem 1.7.
[J. Lagarias] Does there exist a notion of space complexity? -
How to use AI for computer-assisted proofs?
Problem 1.8.
[A. Hansen] How to use AI for computer-assisted proofs? -
Validating numerics for analysis
Problem 1.9.
[F. Bernhard] How can we produce rigorous numerics with an emphasis on questions arising in mathematical analysis?
Cite this as: AimPL: Computational mathematics in computer assisted proofs , available at http://aimpl.org/compproofs.