1. Digital topology
Higher homotopy groups
Problem 1.1.
[Gregory Lupton] Define higher homotopy groups in digital topology. As a test case, one should verify that $\pi_2(S^2, *) = \mathbb{Z}$, where $S^2$ is the digital 2-sphere, i.e., a graph with six vertices appropriately embedded in $\mathbb{Z}^3$.-
Remark. [Oleg Musin] Is there a relation between homotopy groups in digital topology and the Tucker Lemma?
Loop spaces
Problem 1.2.
[Anton Dochtermann] Is there a good notion of a loop space of a digital space? -
Topological realization
This problem assumes that higher homotopy groups of digital spaces have been constructed.Problem 1.3.
Is there a functor $F$ from the category of digital images to that of topological spaces such that the digital invariants of a digital image $X$ agree with the corresponding classical invariants of $FX$, e.g., $\pi_n(X, *) \cong \pi_n(FX, *)$? -
Digital topology v $x$-homotopy theory
Problem 1.4.
What is the relation between digital topology and $\times$-homotopy theory of reflexive graphs?
Cite this as: AimPL: Discrete and combinatorial homotopy theory, available at http://aimpl.org/combhomotop.